WebNovelPet King52.87%

Racing Each Other

Zhang Zian watched as the light on the screen moved. Before that, the light cluster covered the whole range of the Forbidden City. Now, there was almost half a circle that was already out of the Forbidden City.

He thought in his heart that it was horrible. Before that, the elfins he had met were fixed on a particular position and didn't move. That was the first time he had met a situation where the elfin was moving, and the speed of movement was quite fast.

Wen Li wasn't walking very fast. She was quite slow carrying the orange tabby, and she would occasionally ask questions concerning the three types of viruses. Zhang Zian did not have the time to be delayed there any longer so he asked, "Something urgent has come up and I must leave. Where's the exit?"

"Oh, that way," she said, pointing northeast. "After you take a few turns, you'll see it. It's not far from the Gate of Godly Prowess."