WebNovelPet King54.36%

Bamboo Forest

Even though it was practically their first time meeting, Teacher Sun already believed Wang Yaning a 100 percent. She pointed at Zhang Zian and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Wang Yaning turned her head back to look at Zhang Zian, and her face instantly changed from a smiling one to a one as cold as ice. Even the face changes of the singers in the Sichuan Opera were not as sharp.

Zhang Zian almost knelt down. The girl definitely could not be provoked after she was grown up… No, even now, he still could not afford to provoke her, if she accused him of being a pervert, then even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clear his name!

Fortunately, the script did not develop in the direction of a social ethics drama. Wang Yaning just glanced at him contemptuously, then turned around and resumed her cute smile. "He is the owner of a nearby pet shop. I know him, but I am not very familiar with him."