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The Strange Scent That Floated Over

Sihwa's head went down and her tail went up as she rushed underwater. Her large tail reflected the sun's light.

She opened her eyes underwater, then opened her mouth and sang the whale song to her heart's content. Bubbles floated up from the corner of her mouth and burst at the surface of the water.

The warm sunlight made them sleepy.

Vladimir had, for the most part, not slept the night before night, and that morning, it had woken up very early. After enjoying the scenery, it laid down at the bottom of the boat, enjoyed the sunlight, and slept.

Not long after it fell asleep, a splash sounded at the surface of the sea. A water pillar sprayed out, reaching a height of about ten meters before falling back into the sea like a waterfall. A large grey back separated the water's surface and floated up, like a solo island that had risen out of nowhere.