WebNovelPet King56.45%

Battle Plan

A thorough analysis of Vladimir's insights had opened the eyes of stray cats––especially the discussion of seeking unity through struggle, which made them feel a deep sense of awe. They started to look at things with deep admiration and worship.

As a daring vanguard, Big Orange could not sit still. He wanted to go to the dog market and teach Vladimir's teachings the stray dogs who always fought for territory and food with stray cats. Vladimir, however, made them calm down a little and then asked the grey and white, soft-eared cat about the number of stray dogs near the dog market.

The gray and white, soft-eared cat did not know how to express the concept of quantity. It paced around in circles several times on the spot before it finally came up with a way to put one paw on the ground and then concentrate its other three paws on another spot.

"You're saying… there are more local stray dogs than stray cats?" Vladimir asked in a low voice.