WebNovelPet King58.43%

Coming Up With a Nickname


Zhang Zian felt that it was not as pitiful as a stray cat, but opening a shop was really quite high risk. If he was not careful he would have lost all his savings and become a homeless person under a bridge. That would have made him very similar to a stray cat… Or even worse. After all, there was no one who would create a Branch Organization for the Homeless…

Having his own shop was quite all right. If it was a rental shop, there was an 80 percent chance of losing money, and only the landowner stood the a chance to win anything.

But at least he really liked the freedom; that was not wrong.

Vladimir asked again, "The pet shop you were talking about… Is it the one you guys always mention?"

"It's the one to the north of here. Did you not go over?" Zhang Zian pointed to the north.