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Fail to Come to an Agreement

As to how to deal with the statue, the elfins disagreed. While Zhang Zian was gone, they were arguing about it, which woke Richard up.

Famous said, "I roughly understand the situation. My opinion is, since this is an unlucky object, we might as well figure out a way to take it apart. We could cut it into eight pieces… That, or we could just throw it into the furnace and melt it, like in Terminator 2. I don't see how it could still make trouble after that."

Vladimir agreed with its opinion. "I said it before––if I could draw my sword overtop heaven, I'd cleave it in three! One piece for Europe, one for America, and one to keep in the east!"

Old Time Tea was very serious. It said, "Zian, from what I know, this is not the only statue that exists, right?"