WebNovelPet King59.98%

Language Foundation

Zhang Zian and the elfins agreed to take the statue to Egypt, in hopes that they could seal it in a pyramid with the power of the ancient Egyptian gods.

It was not difficult to find a pyramid in Egypt; it was, however, difficult to leave the statue in the pyramid without it being swept out as garbage by the pyramid managers.

"Ga ga! When people go on holiday, the most they do is leave writing that says 'XX was here.' You idiot want to leave a whole bunch of rubbish? If people caught you on the spot, wouldn't you embarrass the people of China?" Richard called out as it flapped its wings.

Zhang Zian wanted to punch it, but if he thought about it carefully, that was actually a real problem. If the manager stopped him on the spot, he could not embarrass his motherland, right?