WebNovelPet King60.09%

Wait Under The Tree, Hoping That a Hare Will Kill Itself by Crashing into a Tree Trunk

Vladimir also stayed up all day and night. It was very sleepy and wanted to catch up on sleep. But Little White, the Third Commander of the Meow Army, came to see him personally. There must have been something important to discuss or some important information to report to it.

It saw Zhang Zian still comforting Pi at his desk, so it did not say hello. It jumped out of the second-floor window and shocked a customer who was just about to enter.

It took advantage of the fact that there were no cars to the left and right, hurriedly ran across the road, and jumped onto the wall. 

The short-haired white cat raised one of its front paws to sign and was interrupted by it. "No, it is convenient for comrades who do not know each other to meet and confirm their identities. There is no need to sign between meows. It saves some red tape and spends time on better work."

Little White nodded and looked at the pet shop opposite the street, and its face had some fear.