WebNovelPet King60.75%

Starting a Rumor with a Mouth, Running Your Legs Off to Stop Rumors

He He finished her question and waited for Teacher Luo's answer. Wei Kang scolded her lightly, "Xiao He, you are also a student of biology, and you're even a graduate student, so don't talk about such ridiculous things as soon as you hear them! There were cats in the tomb 4000 years ago? And they even attacked people? What a joke! It's obviously crap! How would they treat our biology department if someone else heard it?"

Wei Kang would normally care about his only female disciple in private, but in front of Zhang Zian and Teacher Luo, these two outsiders, his face felt quite heated.

But Gao Ke and Xiao Tianyu, two of the boys, enjoyed this kind of anecdote of unofficial history. They found it very exciting. They even wished that they had been there at that time and could take a look at the cat who had stayed in the ancient tomb for 4000 years.