WebNovelPet King61.69%

Dog King Conquers the Country

After the Rottweiler-mix was beaten down with one hit, the original fight between the mastiff and the Rottweiler-mix became unimportant.

The mutts were starting to get worried. With their leader down and unable to support them, what will happen to them in the future?

The mastiff's pack was not relaxed either, as all of the stress was now on them. 


"Woof woof!"

They didn't know who started it, but the mutt pack started passionately cheering for the white dog. They felt that since this white dog could defeat their boss, if it defeated their enemy's boss as well, then wouldn't it show that their boss wasn't so useless?

The mastiff looked at the white dog in a different light, finally seeing it as their equal. 

When it came to their sizes, the mastiff could easily take on three or four of the white dog. The white dog didn't seem to have a winning chance at all.