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The small argument seemed to have ended with He He's win. She showed off a victor's smile, sweetly chirping, "I just knew Senior Gao treated me the best!"

If that didn't just make Gao Ke's legs weak. If only a few more idiots would come their way and give him a chance to save the damsel in distress.

"Come, come. Let Xiao He walk in the middle. Let's go see the market." He showed off his leadership abilities with all he could. "I'll walk in the front. Tianyu, stay by her left, Xuetao by her right, and Zian…you can be at the back. As for Jack… Do as you see fit."

He regretted it the moment the words came out of his mouth. If he arranged it in this manner, he wouldn't have much of a chance to talk with He He since he'd be standing in front. He'd instead given Xiao Tianyu and Du Xuetao an advantage. But as the vice-leader, it wouldn't be good for him to take his words back either, so he could only go with it.