WebNovelPet King63.51%

Traveling Around, Visiting Quiet and Secluded Scenic Spots

As he walked along the steps to the entrance of the burglar's hole, Zhang Zian stopped to check tickets and quietly gave looks to the elfins to let them slip in first.

"No bag! No camera!" the doorman said repeatedly as he checked the tickets.

Zhang Zian had initially been traveling light today. When he'd gone out, he had only taken a bottle of mineral water. He had shared it with the elfins just now when he'd had a hard time waiting in the sun, so there was no suspicion of contraband. As for cameras, they had all been replaced by mobile phones now. Few people carried heavy and troublesome cameras with them.

The elfins had already sneaked in, and Zhang Zian turned his head back to look. There was no one else behind him. He could be the last one, and that meant he was the 300th visitor to the pyramid today.