WebNovelPet King63.62%

Wrong Time, Wrong Place

Since the Egyptian government had announced the introduction of the floating exchange rate system at the end of 2016, Egypt's inflation rate had reached 34.2% in 2017. With the rapid devaluation of the Egyptian dollar, the real income level of the local people in Egypt further declined. The bottom-level civil servants could only barely maintain food and clothing.

It was no wonder that the Egyptians thought up all kinds of ways to cheat. It was really because they couldn't afford to live on their stiff, unchanging wages alone. The sideline income outside the basic wage determined their living standard.

Chinese people who had just arrived in Egypt were not used to the Egyptians always asking for tips with a shy face. Even when they just gave directions, they also asked for tips because tips were an integral part of their income in the Egyptians' eyes.