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Energy from the Universe

Communicating with fanatical individuals could not be based on common sense. They were usually already convinced of their own theories. Pretending to understand their worldview might end up causing them to resent you. If you instead came across as curious and with humility, they were more willing to share their thoughts with you. 

Sure enough, Peter Lee, as if overcome by an itch, asked, laughing, "You really hit the nail on the head... Have you heard of dark matter?"

Dark matter. Zhang Zian had definitely heard about this energy within scientific literature. However, it was currently only a theory, and no substantial evidence of its actual existence had been found.

Many scientists tended to think that it was because of the existence of dark matter that the universe was constantly expanding rather than contracting. According to theory, mysterious dark matter occupied about 70% of the total material of the universe, and it was the unconstrained master of it all.