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The Two Thousand Years’ Agreement


Fina hurriedly raised its head.

Who was calling its name?

The sound was so far away yet so familiar, causing it to miss it immensely.

It looked around in all directions. The sound had vanished, and only the light wind blew past its ears.

Where was this?

Where on earth was this rubble-strewn, grassy wasteland?

It did not recognize this place, but why had it come here?

It was inconceivable. It should turn around and leave, so why could it not move at all?


Fina suddenly turned its head, but all it saw was rubble and weeds.

The westward-inclined sun pulled long shadows out of the walls in the ruins, and the sound seemed to come from the shadows.

Its head hurt very much. It must be because it had been under the sun for too long.

In this kind of hot weather, it should be lying in the hotel and taking an afternoon nap. Why was it that it had come to this foreign wasteland?
