WebNovelPet King65.05%

Whether We Are Rich or Poor and Whether We Live or Die

Before Sihwa set out, Zhang Zian pinched his voice, making it sound different, and asked her to turn the camera elsewhere. He whispered to her that the surfer's condition was unknown. He might be trapped on the surfboard or might have fallen into the water. If the former was the case, she would not have to show up, just carry the surfboard from underwater to bring the surfer to the safe sea. If the latter was the case... It was just a matter of letting her play it by ear.

Sihwa impatiently waved her hand, finding that he was too naggy, and waited for him to point in the rough direction of where the surfer was. She used the time when the tide was low to swim out of the cave.

She wanted to go and save the person, but she did not want to stop broadcasting. What should she do?

She tried to hold her phone in her mouth, the camera facing forward, but she could not. Her mouth was not open wide enough, but she lowered her head to take a look and had an idea.