WebNovelPet King66.37%

Real Hammer

The onlookers that were busybodies were all well-versed in these kinds of things that had been mixed up on live broadcasting platforms for a long time. They had witnessed several popular anchors fall from the altar overnight because of cheating fans, playing games while using cheating devices, personal morality problems, patriotism problems and so on.

These anchors often kept denying things when they first ran into problems and tried their best to justify themselves, and fans would proactively defend them, and then things would get worse and worse. Hidden masters among the people who are watching found clues and gave real hammers, which ruined their reputation totally and made their fans sad and disappointed. Finally, the live broadcast platform was forced to close them down under pressure.

But the audience had never seen real hammers come so fast!

It wasn't a real hammer. It was a hammer that came in seconds!