WebNovelPet King66.48%

Gain Fans

Sihwa was still broadcasting live. She had no idea what had happened in [Gluttonous X Fish]'s live broadcast room. She only saw many fans coming and going from her studio, one moment sending out the sentence, "Refusing to admit it no matter what!" and after a while, sending a phrase like, "Real hammer! Quickly go and watch!" and the next moment saying, "Don't whip the corpse! It's over!" She was puzzled by such bullet screens, but fans always said things she didn't understand. She was used to it.

Not long after, the big group that had left temporarily all rushed back into her live broadcast room one by one.

"Where's [Watermelon]? Did [Watermelon] come back yet?"

"Sihwa, who else verbally attacked you online? Say it all at once!"

"Sihwa, you know that [Watermelon] right? Are they your friend? Male or female?"

These bullet screens made her feel very confused.