WebNovelPet King70.01%

Danger All Around

"How can there be a sand pit here?"

Zhang Zian was not only thinking about this problem. He also verbalized it.

Him talking to himself did not escape the sensitive hearing of the elfins.

"Why can't there be a sandpit? Don't just stand there! Hurry up! Are you deliberately delaying us?" Fina snarled violently.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? There are pits on the land, stone pits on the stones, sand pits on the sand, and many pits all over. Why do you still ask about this?" Richard, though blind, could readily run his mouth with useless talk.

"No, it's not strange for there to be a sand pit. The strange thing is where the sand pit is." Zhang Zian gestured. "Look carefully."

Several cars had shot straight forward and were cut off by the sand pit for a short portion of their journey. The tracks then extended forward until they reached the sand dunes out front and then turned.

"What is strange?" The elfins still didn't understand.