WebNovelPet King73.81%

A Small Business That Earns a Few Cents

The next day.

Life carried on as usual.

Zhang Zian felt very fulfilled. If his proposal could be realized without a problem, hundreds of stray dogs that terrorized people would disappear, and in their place would be hundreds of diligent pick-up dogs...

Vladimir was a little envious of whatever he had witnessed. He kept asking if there was anything that the stray cats could do to improve their own situation. Doing so would allow them to worry less about food and shelter. Most of the stray cats couldn't eat much good food. Even small dried fish had to be collected and fed to the soldiers who needed it the most. If only stray cats could also pick up bottles...but this was not realistic. After all, the cat's mouth was small and couldn't hold a bottle in place. In addition, the garbage dump was currently occupied by stray dogs.