WebNovelPet King75.14%

It's Difficult to Find People Who Think Alike

Old Time Tea pulled back its front paws and watched Famous softly fall to the ground. He said apologetically, "Famous, we are in a hurry. Please forgive me."

Unfortunately, Famous had been sleeping and could not hear what he said. In addition, it was poor sleep that he was getting.

Old Time Tea looked at the sky and said to the other elfins, "It's already quite late, and I'm afraid Zhang Zian won't wake up for a while. Although the customers may not come into the store due to the impact of the insect disaster, the staff will come to work later. Boss Li from the snack store will also be sending some food... How do we explain the situation to them? We will have to make proper arrangements and perhaps a long-term plan moving forward."

The other elfins also agreed because they had a dilemma in front of them—should they inform everyone else that Zhang Zian was in deep sleep?