WebNovelPet King77.01%

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Zhang Zian thought that this young man with an artistic flair also seemed familiar, but he had no time to think about it. This was because, while listening to his complaints, Zhang Zian kept on sneezing and sneezing.

Had Police Officer Sheng really gotten it right? Walking around while his body was wet with seawater without letting himself dry out would cause him to have a cold?

The young man, tired from complaining, bent over and tried to pick up the birdcage to go home. At this moment, he glanced over and he saw a figure from the alley.

It was a kind-faced middle-aged elderly woman, but he could not tell her specific age. Her eyes were as clear as a teenager's but sometimes violent and tepid as those of someone who had seen everything in the world.

As she walked to the end of the alley, she expectantly looked at the intersection, as if waiting for someone.