WebNovelPet King77.12%

Watching the Show

If only there was enough time...

If she didn't let these elves break into the dream...

Zhuang Xiaodie felt deeply humiliated and filled with frustration and remorse, as well as some other complex emotions.

Zhang Zian picked up the birdcage. "I know that some people who find sick or injured cats outdoors will take care of them, but stray cats may have been abused or harmed by humans. They will never be able to get close to any human and will always keep their distance... This is not the cat's fault. Even human beings who are hurt when they are young will have a shadow of that abuse. This is its self-protecting instinct, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't like you if it does not get close to you. It is merely choosing to express its like for you in another manner."