WebNovelPet King78.06%


After eating two or three times the usual amount of breakfast, Zhang Zian grimaced at his staff and touched his belly. He was finally full. He estimated that his mobile phone was almost fully charged and walked back to the second floor, his stomach as big as a pregnant woman.

Shihua heard the sound of his footsteps and began asking him to change the water in the bathtub immediately. In the summer, if the water hasn't been changed for a few days, green algae would have grown in it.

π was busy typing away, so he didn't have to take care of it.

The bedroom window was open, and Vladimir wasn't in the room. He most likely ran outside to inspect the surroundings.

Only then did Zhang Zian remember that Richard was still in the trash. He put on his gloves, opened the lid, and carried the bird by its claws into the bathroom. He put it under the showerhead, started rinsing off the bird droppings, and hung it on the windowsill to bask in the sun.