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Forest search and rescue

The cottage was made of a mixture of brick and wood. Except for the fireplace, which was made of bricks, most of the other parts were made of wood. The walls were made of round logs fixed in place by mortises and tenons. Although it looked crude, it was quite strong and practical. Most importantly, it had good thermal insulation. It was warm in the winter and cool in the summer, even though the mahogany forest was not hot in the summer.

The wooden house isolated the mist outside, and the fireplace dispelled the cold. Through the small window, the mist could be seen flowing slowly like white lava.

The firewood burned, the kettle whistled, and the deep roar of the diesel generator outside the house could be heard clearly in the quiet forest.

Sometimes, they could hear unknown sounds coming from outside the door. Even though they knew that it was some small animal tiptoeing past, it was still difficult to suppress the terrifying delusions that grew wildly in their minds.