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Chapter 1524-collusion

The drone, Nekhbet, had made great contributions during their trip to Egypt. Without it, Zhang Zian and his team might not be able to leave the desert at all, or they might be forced to return after just two or three days.

After leaving the desert, he bought it from Binhai University as a second-hand item. It was well maintained, and there were not many scratches on it. He would take it out and use it from time to time because electronic products were not to be used. Especially when he went to the beach to pick up the sea or took an assault boat out to sea with Sihwa, there were drones monitoring from the sky. If a boat passed by nearby, it could be discovered from a distance.

Now it was time for it to show off its skills. Whether it was the power grid or the fierce dog, it didn't care about them.