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Chapter 1555-nine lives

After being reminded by Zhang Zian, the other Elfins re-observed old time tea, fina, and the three cats on the phone screen. They suddenly felt like they had woken up from a dream.

The Elfins had just vaguely seen something, but they couldn't find the right words to describe it. After hearing his description, it was as if a stone blocking their windpipes had been removed.

They followed Zhang Zian to Egypt entered the Great Pyramid, and entered the Golden Pyramid. They also saw many souvenirs of ancient Egyptian culture in the market, among which were many items and murals related to scarabs. After all, ancient Egyptians believed that scarabs pushed the sun to rise and set every day, which occupied a very important position in ancient Egyptian mythology. It symbolized the rebirth of pharaohs and was one of the most commonly used shapes to make amulets.

The pattern on Fina's forehead was a Scarab with an unusually clear outline.