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Chapter 1559-mending the lost sheep

Richard had finally mustered the courage to speak up for the birds, but before he could finish, fina and the others glared at him, and his courage disappeared. He quickly used Zhang Zian's head to cover his body and avoid their sight, for fear that he would be retaliated against.

After waiting for a while, the revenge it expected did not come. It then nervously stuck its head out from behind Zhang Zian's head.

To its surprise, Vladimir, who had been furious just now, had calmed down and said,""Richard is right. "When I was in Binhai city, I also tried to restrain stray cats from hurting small animals, at least not to hurt beneficial small animals, such as mice. Of course, we can't let go of them, and we don't have to worry about the danger of the mice going extinct, but don't go hunting for birds. Using dialectical materialism, everything is the same. If there is no black, where is the White? if there are no mice, where is the modern house cat?"