WebNovelPet King88.31%

Chapter 1602-a loyal hymn

As the saying goes,"a good tiger can't hold up a group of wolves." Wolves were good at dealing with wild boars, but a Wolf couldn't fight a group of wild boars alone. No matter how powerful an elf like Fati was, when faced with a group of wild boars with thick skin and not afraid of pain, he would only be able to dig out a few wild boars 'intestines at most, but he would also be pierced through by the remaining wild boars' fangs.

This group of wild boars had been chased by a few wolves just now. When they met their enemies, they were extremely jealous. They couldn't beat a pack of wolves, so how could they not beat a Wolf?

If the Fati continued to move forward, it would definitely provoke the group of wild boars to attack.

Zhang Zian was helpless."You have to be careful," he said."There are too many wild boars. Don't fight them."

Fati nodded."Don't worry. Since the cats in the forest have been taken care of, I'll summon the Wolf Pack to help."