WebNovelPet King88.97%

Chapter 1614-unexpected change

This ... This is it?

Old time tea and Vladimir were so shocked that their mouths could fit an egg ... No, a duck egg!

They found it hard to believe, but the truth was right in front of their eyes, so they had to believe it.

The cat lay on the ground with its eyes wide open. Blood was still flowing out of the hole in its neck, and it was flowing slower and slower. Only its limbs were still twitching meaninglessly, which was a physiological reaction when it died.

Fina turned around, proudly raised its head and chest, and glanced at the cats with a victorious look. It shouted,""Open your eyes and take a good look! This was the outcome of blaspheming the gods! This Prince will punish you on behalf of God as a warning to the others!"

The group of cats trembled in fear, and some of them even lost control of their bowels.