WebNovelPet King90.02%

Chapter 1633-kitten

The next morning.

Zhang Zian, who opened the curtain Door, was surprised to see an uninvited guest at the door.


A little guy was curled up in the corner of a shoe box, looking at him uneasily and letting out a weak cry.

Even little celery, who didn't allow pets to be kept at home, blurted out,""Ya! A little orange cat!"

"When did you come?" Zhang Zian asked.

Of course, he was not asking the orange cat, but little celery.

"Good Morning, brother store manager! Long time no see! I just came here and saw you squatting on the ground. I thought you were poking ants with a branch like the boys in my class, so I squatted down to look. "

Little celery was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and denim shorts. She squatted next to him and stared at the orange cat with him.

Zhang Zian: "...I'm long past the age of using a branch to poke ants!"