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Chapter 1637-not giving support

Just as Zhang Zian had guessed, Zhao Qi, Xiao Wang, and Tian Qi worked in the same unit, but her relationship with the couple could only be considered a nodding acquaintance. She was not interested in how they knew each other or how they got together. They had no contact before.

Because Zhao Qi often showed off her cat in her friends 'circle and talked about cat raising, she was a cat master in the small circle of colleagues and relatives, so her colleagues who had pets or wanted to raise pets often came to her for advice. Her knowledge was second-hand knowledge from Zhang Zian. Even if it was only second-hand knowledge, because Zhang Zian's pet knowledge was the latest, it was far from the old knowledge that had been passed down for decades. Her colleagues were shocked when they saw it, and it often made her secretly happy.