WebNovelPet King92.83%

Chapter 1684-call

The area of the Pet Shop was not too small. The first floor had a complicated environment with shelves and display cabinets. Every inch of space was used as much as possible. This was not a disadvantage during normal times, but after the power outage, the places where the candles and emergency lights could not shine on were very dark. There were shadows everywhere, and the line of sight was not good.

The Thunder, the rain, and the wind were too noisy, and the elves couldn't sleep even if they wanted to. They yawned in boredom.

The kittens and puppies were very sensitive to the sound of thunder, and they would often be frightened by the sound of thunder.

Zhang Zian took the flashlight and walked around the first floor carefully, then went up to the second floor to look for it. The suspicion in his heart was confirmed. The other Elfins were all there, but only Vladimir was missing.