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Chapter 1698-unspoken proof

That night, Cai meiwen didn't sleep well the entire night. She was extremely sensitive, and she would always wake up when she heard movement at the door the moment she closed her eyes.

The door was very thin. It was not made of solid wood, but two layers of hollow thin wooden boards that were glued together. It was a defense against gentlemen but not against villains. An adult man could probably knock a hole in it with force. However, to avoid waking the neighbors, picking the lock might be a better way. After all, the lock was easy to pick.

It wasn't until dawn that she heard the sound of cleaners sweeping the streets downstairs that her tensed nerves finally relaxed and she fell asleep.

This sleep had caused her to sleep past her Normal School hours. She only woke up when her parents came home from the night shift.