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It's been a thousand years since I woke up from my dream

Binhai city a thousand years later?

Zhang Zian's brain couldn't react to this sentence for a long time.

To him, a year was a long time. He didn't know if he could get a wife in ten years. It was already a big victory to live to the 22nd century. What did a thousand years mean?

When his consciousness finally accepted reality, he almost peed his pants!

The only reason that could stop him from peeing his pants was that he kept telling himself that it was a dream.

"You ... You're not joking, are you? This is 1000 years later ... Could it be that mankind has gone extinct?" He asked bitterly.

It was no wonder he thought so. He stood at the top of the hidden Fog Mountain and looked around, but there was no sign of human activity. The huge Binhai city was like a Dead City, as cold as a grave.

Zhuang Xiaodie's smile disappeared,"this is not necessarily the case."

"Not necessarily ... What do you mean?" He had a glimmer of hope.