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Chapter 1717-seeking Dao

A bright moon on a barren mountain.

In an ancestral hall that had once been filled with incense but had become deserted with the arrival of the war.

The gate of the ancestral hall was closed, but the inner walls and the wooden beams on the roof were full of sharp claw marks.

Old time tea fell back onto the futon, exhausted, panting.

Ever since it woke up and found itself trapped in this temple, it had tried all sorts of ways to escape, but none of them worked. The temple that it was so familiar with had become a prison that trapped it.

As far as it could remember, the ancestral hall was far from being this strong. It was no longer the ordinary old cat from back then, which meant that this was not the ancestral hall, and everything it had experienced in Binhai city was not a dream.

[Navigation elf]:"please stop your meaningless resistance. You can't escape from here. Fighting like a trapped beast will only add more pain to your body that is no longer young."