The Emissaries from Northern Qi

Fan Xian did not dare be arrogant. He quickly stood up and clasped his hands in salute to the people around him, greeting the other diplomats of the Kingdom of Qing with a warm smile. "Sirs," he said earnestly, "I have not spent long at Taichang Temple, and I know little of the customs of the royal court. The palace has assigned me as a vice envoy, and I presume that they wish for the deceitful Kingdom of Northern Qi to see that they cannot attempt to murder the people of the Kingdom of Qing as they please. They wish for me to serve as a reminder; they do not necessarily want me to actually be part of our negotiations." He laughed and continued. "I have no knowledge of matters of diplomacy, and I do not wish to tread on anyone's toes. I humbly request your guidance."