Shamelessness Against Virtue

There was a look of surprise in Fan Xian's eyes. He sighed in admiration. "You are indeed a worthy disciple of Grandmaster Ku He, with the strength of a ninth-level master, if you were so easily able to dispel my attack." His facial expression was affected, but his words had a hint of truth; Fan Xian knew full well that under Wu Zhu's forceful guidance, he had still not truly faced an opponent like Haitang.

He took a step back, his face filled with resolve, slipping his poison-laced dagger into his boot. He held out his right hand in invitation. "In combat, madam, I am no match for you. I ask for your guidance in martial arts."

Haitang was somewhat taken aback, and slowly slipped her blade back into its scabbard. The blade she carried with her was not particularly long, so the scabbard hidden on her person in her country-girl clothing - rather at odds with her identity - was not easily to find at first.