The Envoy Enters the Palace

"An adopted orphan?" Everybody was shocked.

Fan Xian answered calmly. "It was a long time ago. After Xiao En’s capture, Northern Wei fell and the world was plunged into chaos. Shang Shanhu appeared in the scene during that time." Of course, the Overwatch Council had other evidence, or else they wouldn’t come to such a conclusion. However, among Fan Xian’s missions during this trip, one of them was to confirm who Shang Shanhu's teacher was.

"No wonder Shang Shanhu was in a hurry to rescue Xiao En."

"This is a great problem for Northern Qi." Fan Xian stopped here and frowned slightly. Haitang wanted Xiao En dead, the Qi emperor wanted to imprison Xiao En and find out the location of the temple, and Shang Shanhu purely wanted the old man to live out his final years in peace. The three most powerful factions went to three different directions because of Xiao En. It would be quite exciting to see how this played out.