Seeing Yan Bingyun for the First Time

Using intelligence gathered from all sources, and by resorting to all sorts of means, they gathered at a courtyard in the southeast corner of Shangjing. The envoy confirmed that Xiao En had already entered Shangjing in secret. As to where he was being held, probably only the mother and son in the palace and that Sir Shen of the Discipline Commission knew. Strangely, Northern Qi made quite a welcoming scene at Wuduhe, but everything was quiet when returning to the capital. It seemed like Shang Shanhu was still playing tug-of-war with those who wanted Xiao En dead.

Fan Xian did not care if Xiao En lived or died. More accurately, once in Shangjing, before he could be certain to utilize the various assets hidden in Northern Qi, Fan Xian did not have the power to care for Xiao En’s life.

Unless Wu Zhu came, or Wu Zhu came to give Fan Xian that chest.