Young Yan Is Freed

The night rains fell upon the soil of that foreign land, making their familiar pitter-patter. Fan Xian swallowed a mouthful of tea. "Write a letter immediately," he said to Wang Qinian, who sat beside him. "Tell the Council to investigate the relationship between the Cui clan and Xinyang."

Wang Qinian looked at him. "The Eldest Princess cannot make any sort of move from there."

"I know that." Fan Xian knew full well that everything that the Eldest Princess did was done with the Emperor's tacit consent, but today's confrontational meeting with Shen Zhong had confirmed a number of his ideas. "I just want to know for sure exactly how much strength Xinyang has in the royal court."

"Yes sir," replied Wang Qinian. "Master Cui is still kneeling outside... do you think we should allow him in? After all, the Cui clan is also an influential family in the capital, and they have a number of officials at court."