The Lashings

The repeated pounding of stone echoed across the vast palace, as Lai Mingcheng struck the ground with his bloodied forehead upon each vigorous kowtow.

The Emperor looked at him with dismay, and gestured for the guards to take him away. Then, he turned to Fan Xian and said, "Commissioner Fan, as an officer of the Overwatch Council, your privileges exceed those of many. It is because of this that you need to exercise greater caution with all your dealings, no matter the size or gravity they would possess. Do not embarrass me again."

It had been difficult for the Emperor to think of a method that would resolve these issues harmoniously, but this seemed to be as good as it was going to get. Before Fan Xian could speak once more, the Emperor quickly waved his hand, which called upon a eunuch to declare that the court proceedings had come to an end.