The Old Fan and the Young Fan

Liu Shi always looked pretty, as she had a tendency to boisterously show off her noble-heritage through an overt brandishing of elegance each and every day. On this day, however, she did not very much care for her appearance. Today, she was looking pale and tired, clutching Fan Jing’s legs as she cried her eyes out, saying, "Please say something! Fan Sizhe is far too young; he cannot withstand this many beatings!"

Fan shangshu looked at the woman in front of her and could do little but sigh. Liu Shi had elected to follow him ever since his wife passed away. Even though Fan Jing had already been titled as Sinan Bo, he still had the emperor to watch over him; it was something no one else knew about. Liu Shi was the granddaughter of a sovereign, but she had chosen to marry into the smaller Fan family, and this was a move that surprised many within the capital. After they eloped, Liu Shi treated her new husband very well, and even pulled him away from the Liu Jing river.