A Carriage Enters The City Alone

On the mountain, silvery moonlight shifted in and out of the clouds, brightening and dimming the illumination. Jing Ge stared at the lonely carriage on the road at the foot of the mountain. An angry and cold huff came from behind the silver mask a little while later. A solid spear made of black material hung by his warhorse, but there was more than his pair of hands on this horse's reins.

After the rebellion in the autumn of the seventh year of the Qing calendar, the Qin family fell. In the eyes of the people in the Royal Palace, the silver-masked Jing Ge, who had challenged Qin Heng, had become a legendary figure. As Fan Xian's trusted aide, Jing Ge had taken over the position as the Commander of the Black Knights, the head of the Fifth Bureau of the Overwatch Council.