Someone In The Temple (2)

Why does the Temple appear? The reason for its appearance concerned its past, present, and future, which was the purpose of Fan Xian's question. When Fan Xian's question rang out in the Temple covered with a thin layer of snow, the being evolved from the green bird sunk into silence. Haitang and Thirteenth Wang also sensed Fan Xian's unusual mood and forced down the nervousness in their heart to raise their heads.

In the mysterious and icy Temple, only Fan Xian could maintain his calm. As powerful as Haitang and Thirteenth Wang were, they had both become like naked infants, unable to develop a sliver of disrespect under the gaze of the being on the stage.

The being was silent for a long time. To Fan Xian, who stood at its foot, it said, "This is beyond the limits of what mortals should try to reach or understand."