The Name Of The Most Powerful Person

When Fan Xian decided to through the narrow passage beneath the snowy mountain, the three-person group erupted into the fiercest argument since their reunion at Wudu River. The source of the fighting was their differing opinions. The three of them knew very well why Fan Xian had to return to the Temple, but Haitang and Thirteenth Wang knew that this time it would be a great risk. They had just managed to escape from the Temple. The blind master who, for some reason, had attacked Fan Xian, had not directly killed him. If Fan Xian returned again, who knew what would greet him?

Haitang and Thirteenth Wang were both concerned about Fan Xian's life and death. A reality that complicated their emotions was the fact that the Temple did not seem to care about their lives and deaths. The Temple only tried to keep Fan Xian in the temple forever.