Back to the Ark Fleet

Hao Ren studied Vivian's statue in a daze, wondering about that sentence on the pedestal beneath it. Lily's idea seemed to be the most likely. He turned to her and asked, "Did the Olympian Gods worship you back then?"

"Not to this extent…" Vivian looked just as confused as him. "I was only slightly closer to them than the rest. Besides, Zeus and his big happy family thought of themselves as Gods, why would they think of worshipping someone else?"

"I think it's a bit of a stretch too," Lily mumbled. "Batty's like a magnet of bad luck. Imagine how desperate they must be to trust her to keep them safe. Make her a statue today, lose your entire realm in the next… Zeus and his merry band had to be crazy to worship this God of bad luck."

Vivian glared at Lily and spoke through her teeth, "No one's calling you a mute if you keep your mouth shut!"