The Nosebleed

Just as the ghost claw swung upwards in another attempt to grab onto Mumu, Ah Dan suddenly sprung to his feet. Its four plump chubby limbs crossed in front of it as it unexpectedly held the empty shadow in a firm yet ferocious grip!

The ghost shadow abruptly made an ear-piercing noise akin to a baby’s cry. It struggled with all its might and the originally empty shadow shook vigorously before it soon melted swiftly into Ah Dan’s body!

All that, from the first moment when the brothers Bushuo and Buzuo were stuck onto the ghost’s flesh mushroom until the final moment when the ghost shadow was hugged into nothingness by Ah Dan, happened in only a short span of time. Even for someone as powerful as the Second Mother and a first-rate master cultivator like Chi Shuilie, the vision before their eyes were dazzling and confusing. They had utterly no time to react to the situation and rescue their friends while stopping the enemy.