The Stomach

Wen Leyang exerted all his strength to shout out a phrase, which he immediately regretted.

He could imagine: Tears streaming down his four grandfathers’ cheeks as they trembled and asked the brothers Bushuo and Buzuo on their return to the Wen clan, "Did Leyang…Leyang leave behind any last words…"

Wen Buzuo wiping his tears away, raised his head and said in a sonorous and forceful voice, "Yes, he did! He said: Help me!"

Just as Wen Leyang pondered about what he should say next, his body jolted and he started tumbling downwards. He could use the Faulty Punch to shift his muscles in midair and change the direction his body is heading. Yet, he was no bird, he could only try as hard as possible to adjust his body to descend feet first instead of head first. As he was tumbling downwards, he swiftly took out ‘You’ve Got Me’ and held it in his mouth.