The Demon Monk

The two demon rabbits suddenly forgot how to speak when they witnessed the sudden appearance of Chang Li. They rubbed their eyes strenuously before ascertaining that they were not dreaming. Then, they leaped up in surprise and joy only to immediately fall to the ground. The little stutterer screamed in shock as he hastily rushed over to help them up.

Chang Li did not wait for them to speak as she extended a finger and lightly touched the space between the old monk Bu Le's brows. Bu Le's body immediately relaxed as his life vitality energy vanished, allowing the grand master's mind sense to probe around within his body. After a long while, Chang Li slowly retracted her finger and did the same thing on Shan Duan's body to examine the condition of his injuries.

The examination only took a while before Chang Li let out a long exhale. Her gaze returned to its prior clarity and grace as she laughed, "It's alright, you’re not going to die! I will heal your injuries tonight!